Evaluation of Stability and Flying Qualities of a Light Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) (Mechanical Project)

The objective of this study was to evaluate the flying qualities of a light unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) developed by the Thai company AVIA Satcom Co., Ltd. Based on the study changes in design was to be suggested to meet stability requirements and recommendations from European Aviation Safety was based on two dierent analyses.

First, the stability characteristics in terms of stability modes were examined by creating a flight dynamics model of the studied airplane. Secondly the controllability of the vehicle was investigated by examining the control surfaces.

It was found that the original design of the UAV was dynamically unstable and that the control surfaces were too large making the airplane difficult to fly in trim condition. By studying the stability characteristics of the simulated airplane it could be concluded that the UAV was dynamically stable for the improved design and thereby meet the requirements and recommendations.
Source: KTH
Author: Samuelsson, Mikael

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