ST Aerospace located at Arlanda airport maintain and repair aircraft components. The maintenance activities that the workshop conducts require testing of the component’s function. For a long time the repair shop has experienced problems with the efficiency in this hydraulic testing.
The efficiency problems are partially derived by the fact that the manufacturer’s component maintenance manuals (CMM) are not adapted to the specific test equipment that the shop uses. A lack of suitable training material also causes problems for new operators.
The purpose of this thesis work was therefore to streamline this part of ST Aerospace’s operation, first by rewriting the test section of the manuals but also to produce a basic description of the test bench that is used in the testing activities.
By studying the operator’s work with component testing a fundamental understanding of the test bench was obtained along with the specific knowledge that was required in order to rewrite the manuals to a version that ST can use with their specific test equipment. Along with the training material a total of four rewritten component manuals were produced on ST’s behalf.
Since the purpose of this work was to streamline the company’s entire testing business, there are post-doubts about whether the correct way to address the issue was chosen. As the work continued it became increasingly more obvious that a more appropriate way of handling the efficiency problems should have been to fully focus on the training material for the test bench. By performing the work this way around the future rewriting of the hundreds of component manuals can be drastically simplified and more efficient, therefore the time required for rewriting can be drastically reduced.
Source: Mälardalen University
Auhtors: Hardell, Henrik | Lind, Niclas